The Ability to Adapt
The ability to adapt and change is a very important ability in business. Over the course of the semester we as a class were faced with...
Zero Calorie Quarter Pounder
On Tuesday April 12th the College of Natural Resources held their annual awards banquet at the Inn at Virginia Tech, bringing together...
Production Production Production
These past few weeks have been flying by at the Wood Enterprise Institute. With the second table order on the books and the end of the...
CNRE Awards Banquet
This week at the Wood Enterprise Institute was a busy week. Brooks Whitehurst, a sponsor of the WEI came to tour the Wood Design and...
Table 1 Almost Complete
This week was huge fore the Wood Enterprise Institute (WEI) team. The first table is starting to come together. The team made great...
Dry Fitting Success
WHAT’S NEW WITH US? Currently at the WEI workshop we are starting to make progress on the second and third table. Wait, at the same time?...
More WEIkly updates
Since the last report I have gotten a lot of things accomplished. The marketing team and I managed to get the table tour rolling and it...
Finishing Up Table Two
Starting the week we have marketing that has had great accomplishment with the table tour. Moving it from location to location has given...
WEIkly Newsletter
This was a productive week for the Wood Enterprise Institute team as we begin to dry fit the different parts of the table. Looking into...