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The Handling of the History

The first week back from spring break has kicked all aspects of production and marketing into high gear, with less than 7 weeks left in the spring semester and a table order that needs to be filled there will not be a shortage of exciting news to share with you, our customers.

The production team is working on the actual table, removing a crack down the center of a slab of the grove oak by gluing a section of sycamore lengthwise in its place as well as engineering the table legs that will support the opaque top of the table.

While the production team takes care of business in the wood shop, the promotions team has been finalizing locations to showcase the table in a variety of locations and diligently communicating the status of client’s tables. Most recently, we modified the visual display of significant dates that the grove oak was a part of, this is something that will travel with the table to showcases across campus and Blacksburg.

The first step in recreating the timeline of history that is such a integral part of this unique product, is finding an adequate way to mount this timeline with the table. A piece of plywood was cut to the necessary dimensions while the information on the display was revised and formatted. Upon the completion of machining the backboard, the text to mount on it was finalized and then printed.

We still have a little bit of work to do on the timeline before its table tour ready, but it is well on its way and we anticipate having the entire thing completed by next Tuesday. So with that being said, be sure to keep checking for more Wood Enterprise Institute updates, and I am off to go finish up the rest of this display!

Pictured above: Carly Harding machines the backboard for the timeline

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