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Since the last report I have gotten a lot of things accomplished. The marketing team and I

managed to get the table tour rolling and it all started at the Inn at Virginia Tech. The table was

at the Inn for about a week and it was a big success. Everyone that walked past the table really

enjoyed looking at it and reading the information about the White Oak tree. We were able to get

the tree in the Inn by working with the College of Natural Resources marking person, Lynn

Davis. We learned that sometimes to get things done; it’s all about who you know. I also met

with one of the employees at the Creekmore Law firm about putting the table inside of their

gallery. One thing I learned from that was to not get into contact with people too late because

they will move on with their agenda. The next thing I have been working on was working on a

3D model of the White oak tree. The last thing I worked on was the voice recording for the WEI

video that I am working on with the marketing team. Gloria and I went to innovation space to

record my voice over on the video that we are going to do.

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